Avoiding global variables means you can use the function in a pipe. Here is an example:


   echo 'this is junk'
   echo '#more junk and "b@d" characters!'
   echo '!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$#@:"<>?/.,\\"'"'"

    local -a arr=()    
    # read each input and add it to arr
    while read -r line
       arr[${#arr[@]}]='"'"$line"'" is junk'; 

    # output the array as a string in the "declare" representation
    declare -p arr | sed -e 's/^declare -a [^=]*=//'

# processJunk returns the array in a flattened string ready for "declare"
# Note that because of the pipe processJunk cannot return anything using
# a global variable
returned_string=`makeJunk | processJunk`

# convert the returned string to an array named returned_array
# declare correctly manages spaces and bad characters
eval "declare -a returned_array=${returned_string}"

for junk in "${returned_array[@]}"
   echo "$junk"

Output is:

"this is junk" is junk
"#more junk and "b@d" characters!" is junk
"!#$^%^&(*)_^&% ^$#@:"<>?/.,\\"'" is junk

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